How to use Terry Nappies

The trusty, traditional terry square has made a come back! They are an economical, absorbent and versatile reusable nappy option that has often been overlooked as they can seem complicated. But all you need to know is how to do a couple of folds, and you won’t look back.


What you will need

Squares of Terry Fabric

Terry Squares

Squares of cotton terry towelling which can be cleverly folded into a reusable nappy.

Nappy Fastener on Terry Square Nappy

Nappy Fasteners

The modern alternative to a safety pin. Nappy fasteners are the safest way to secure your terry nappy in place.

Nappy Cover

Nappy Covers

Nappy Covers provide a waterproof layer over the top of a terry nappy, and with a choice of prints and colours they look pretty too!


How to fold

There are a number of different folds that you can use for terry towelling nappies, here are some of our favourites:


The diagram shows the steps for neatly folding a reusable nappy. The sequence begins with the nappy laid flat on a surface. Next, the bottom part is folded up to meet the top. Then, the sides are folded in towards the center.


The diagram shows the steps for a kite fold. First, the nappy is spread out flat on a surface. Then, the sides are folded towards the center to make kite shape. Next, the bottom part is folded up, forming a smaller rectangle.


The diagram shows the steps for a bat fold. First, the nappy is spread out flat. Then, it is folded in half and half again to create a square. Then, the sides are folded back out to resemble the wings of a bat.


The diagram shows the steps for a square fold. Initially, the nappy is spread out flat on a surface. One side is folded over the other to create a rectangle. Then, the bottom third is folded up. Next, the two sides are folded in to create a square.


Once your nappy is folded, grip it into place with a nappy fastener and team it with your favourite waterproof nappy cover. 


buy terry nappies